úim1, f. (gs. úma, pl. úmacha). Harness. 1. ~ tharraingthe, draught-harness. ~ uchta, breast-harness. In ~ treafa, harnessed for ploughing. An ~ a chur ar chapall; capall a chur faoi ~, to harness a horse. Tá mé faoin ~ ar na saolta seo, I am heavily burdened with work these days. Chuir sé trí m’úmacha mé, it put me to the pin of my collar. 2. Weaving: Harness; (pl.) heddles. Fíodóir ag déanamh a chuid úmacha, a weaver setting up his loom. Tá an ~ is an tslinn aige, he is all set, ready for action. S.a. maide 1(b). 3. Gear, tackle. Av: ~ adhainte, ignition harness. 4. (pl.) Panniers. (Var: gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha)
úim2, v.t. (pres. úmann, vn. úmadh, pp. úmtha). Harness.
úim3. (In phrase) D’aon ~ = d’aon oghaim : ogham 2.