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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: beacán · beangán · eagán · feagán · baogán
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Seans gur foirm é beagán de: eagán »
beagán, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~). 1. Little. ~ de rud, a little of sth. Cuir ~ eile leis, add a little more to it. ~ leis an, thar an, scór, a little more than a score. Tar le ~ de, be satisfied with a little of it. ~ ar bheagán, little by little. Ar bheagán tuarastail, on a small salary. Ar bheagán céille, with little sense. Ar bheagán aráin, short of bread. Dhíol mé ar bheagán iad, I sold them cheap. Fuair mé ar bheagán trioblóide é, I had no trouble in getting it. Abair ~, say little. ~ eile seanchainte uait, give no more back-answers. Bíonn blas ar an m~, a little is appreciated. Ón m~ go dtí an mórán, from little to much. Tá a bheagán nó a mhórán déanta, a certain amount has been done. Ná bíodh do shúil le ~, don’t expect small favours. Níor dhada ~! What a lot to expect! 2. A few. I m~ focal, in a few words; succinctly. ~ dár muintir, a few of our people. Tá sé ar bheagán focal, he is a man of few words. Ar bheagán buíne, with few followers. 3. (As adv.) A little, somewhat. Ísligh ~ é, lower it a little. Tá sé corraithe ~, he is somewhat agitated. ~ aisteach, somewhat strange. ~ níos sine, a shade older.
Ar bheagán buíochais, with small thanks.
Dá mbeadh sé beagán níos saoire, if it were a little cheaper.
Argóint ar bheagán ~, an argument of little substance.
Is ~ le bocht an beagán, we must be thankful for small mercies.
Ceann feadhna le beagán buíne, a commander with a small body of men.
Mórán ~e ar bheagán cúise, much ado about nothing.
Le beagán ~e, in a few words.
Char dhada beagán! What a lot to expect!
Ar bheagán, ar mhórán, costais, at little, great, cost.
~ an bheagáin, mere pittance.
Mórán cainte ar bheagán ~e, much ado about nothing.
Níor dhada beagán! What a lot!
Beagán de do chuid ~e(anna) uait! Let us have less of your smart talk!
~ mórán agus can beagán, ‘do much and say little’, actions speak louder than words.
Is é ~ an bheagáin é! It looks small, indeed!
Ar bheagán ~e, poorly circumstanced.
~ mór ar bheagán fearthainne, much cloud bringing little rain; much ado about nothing.
~ mórán agus can beagán, [’hear much and say little’, be patient in hearing and reserved in speech.
Ar bheagán fáltais, on a small income.
~ bheagán, by a little.
~ ar bheagán stóir, a generous man with little to give.
Rud a rá i mbeagán ~, to say sth. in a few words, briefly.
Ar bheagán foinn, without much enthusiasm.
ach) ~ ach an beagán, with only a little.
Is fearr beagán den ghaol ná mórán den charthanas, blood is thicker than water.
~ mór ar bheagán cúise, a lot of fuss about nothing.
Tá na caoirigh ag imeacht ar bheagán, the sheep are going for very little.
Trí mhí agus beagán leis, three months and a little over.
Ar bheagán lóin, poorly supplied.
Ón mbeagán go dtí an mórán, from less to more.
Beagán ~e uait! Less of your old guff!
Ar bheagán siocrach, for little reason.
Bheith ar bheagán ~, to lack means; to be in a poor way.
Beagán sotail uait! Less impudence from you!
Ar bheagán stóir, badly off.
Ar bheagán ~, badly off.
Teacht le beagán, to be satisfied with little.
Ar bheagán údair, for little reason.
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