éisteach1, a1. Attentive, heedful.
éisteacht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of éist. 2. Hearing. (a) ~ a bheith agat, to be able to hear. Tá ~ mhaith aige, he has a good sense of hearing. Tá ~ mo chluas agam, my ears can hear. I m’~, in ~ mo chluas, in my hearing, within earshot of me. Ar, as, m’~, within, beyond, the range of my hearing. S.a. cluas 1. (b) ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to grant a hearing, to listen, to s.o. Ní thugann sé ~ ar bith dom, he pays no attention to what I say. Tabhair ~ don cheol, listen to the music. Bhí fonn ~a orm, I wanted to hear. ~ a fháil, to get a hearing, an audience. Thug sé ~ na cluaise bodhaire dom, he turned a deaf ear to me. An lucht ~a, the audience. (c) Formal hearing. ~ cúise, the hearing of a case. ~ i gcúirt, hearing in court. Ecc: Tá ~ anseo inniu, confessions are being heard here today. (d) Granting. ~ urnaí, impí, the hearing, granting, of a prayer, of an entreaty. 3. Silence; patience, forbearance. Duine a chur ina ~, to reduce s.o. to silence. Tá sé ina ~ faoi dheireadh, he is silent at last. Is fada an ~ a bhí agam, a rinne mé, leis, I held my peace with him for a long time. (Var: im, éisteach2 m, éisteachán m)