ciorraigh, v.t. & i. 1. Cut; hack, maim. Lámh, cos, a chiorrú, to maim a hand, a foot. Corp a chiorrú, to mutilate a body. Ag ciorrú le claíomh, hacking with a sword. 2. Cut short, curtail. Saol duine a chiorrú, to cut short s.o.’s life. Ó chiorraigh an chinniúint ár leoin, since fate cut off our warriors. Focal a chiorrú, to clip a word. Comhrá a chiorrú, to curtail a conversation. Chiorraigh sé punt mé, he left me a pound short. Bád, canbhás, a chiorrú, to lower sails. Is fearr dúinn a bheith ag ciorrú an bhóthair, we had better be off. Ciorróidh sé an bóthar dúinn, it will shorten the journey for us. Ag ciorrú chun an tí, making straight for the house. 3. Overlook, cast evil eye on. (Var: ciorrbhaigh)