dealraitheach, a1. 1. Shining, resplendent. Chomh ~ le solas na gréine, as resplendent as the light of the sun. 2. Likely-looking; of good appearance, handsome. Capall ~, a likely-looking horse. Fear breá ~, a fine handsome man. Is minic a bhí ~ cailliúnach, never judge by appearances. 3. (With le) Looking like. Is ~ lena athair é, he looks like his father. Is ~ leat é! It is just like you! 4. Apparent, likely; seeming, plausible. Is ~ go bhfuil ciall leis, it appears to make sense. Chomh ~ lena athrach, as likely as not. Is dealraithí le fínéagar ná le fíon é, it is more like vinegar than wine. Scéal ~, a likely story. (Var: dealramhach, dealratach, dealrúil a2)