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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for duck »
duck1, s. 1 a (Female of drake) Lacha f -n. b (Generic, pl.) Lachain fpl. Wild duck, lacha fhiáin. He took to Latin like a duck to water, tháinig an Laidin leis thar cionn. To play at ducks and drakes, sciotairín uisce a dhéanamh. He played ducks and drakes with his money, thug sé gaoth dá chuid airgid. 2 F: a A lame duck, (i) donán m, cláiríneach m; (ii) loiceach m. b A duck of a child, páiste m gleoite. It's a duck (of a hat), is mór an sport é (mar hata), c Cr: Duck, duck's egg, dada.
duck2, s.Tex: Túcán m.
duck3, s. 1 Tumadh m. 2 Cromadh m (an chinn).
duck4 . 1 v.i. a Tumann san uisce, téann faoi uisce. b Cromaim an ceann, cromaim, cúbaim (go tobann). 2 v.tr. a Tumaim, cuirim faoi uisce (duine, rud). b Cromaim go tapaidh.
Orn: Shoveller (duck), slapaire m.
Tufted duck, lacha dhubh, lacha bhadánach.
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