fógairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of fógair. 2. Call; proclamation, declaration, announcement. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to announce sth. ~ dlí, promulgation of a law. ~ cogaidh, declaration of war. ~ troda, challenge to fight. Is é d’fhógairt é, it is your call. 3. Warning; summons, order; proscription, threat. Prov:Is maith an fhaire an fhógairt, forewarned is forearmed.
Rud a fhógairt go poiblí, don saol, to proclaim sth. publicly, to the world.
An fhírinne a fhógairt, to declare the truth.
Dlí a fhógairt, to promulgate a law.
Do bhreith a fhógairt, to announce one’s decision.
Lá saoire a fhógairt, to declare a holiday.
Sláinte a fhógairt, to propose a toast.
Iasc a fhógairt, to cry fish (for sale).
Bhí sé ag ~t i lár an aonaigh, he was calling out in the middle of the fair.
Tá sé ag ~t orainn, he is calling to us.
Earraí a fhógairt, to advertise goods.
Do cheart a fhógairt ar dhuine, to demand one’s rights from s.o.
Cogadh a fhógairt, to declare war.
Poblacht a fhógairt, to proclaim a republic.
Troid a fhógairt ar dhuine, to challenge s.o. to fight.
Duine a fhógairt as an teach, to order s.o. to leave the house.
Tá tú ar fad ag ~t orm, you are always giving out to me.
Bíonn dhá dtrian ~e ar fhear fógartha, he who calls a quarrel must take two-thirds of the blame.
Rud a fhógairt go h~, to proclaim sth. officially.