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fogha1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ). Lit: Dart, javelin.
fogha2, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~nna). 1. Dart, lunge; rush, attack. ~ a thabhairt faoi dhuine, to make a dart at, attack, s.o. ~ a bhaint as duine, (i) to make a snap at s.o., (ii) to criticize s.o. sharply. Níor bhain sé ~ ná easpa asam, he didn’t hurt me in the least. Shíl sé ~ (magaidh) a bhaint asam, he thought he could have a bit of fun at my expense. 2. Short run, quick effort. ~ oibre, spurt of work. ~ a thabhairt amach faoin tír, to take a quick run out into the country. Tabhair ~ isteach chugainn ar do bhealach, drop in to see us on your way. Ní raibh ann ach ~ fóisí, it was only a spurt. 3. Short interval. Thug sé ~ beag do na ba ar na cinnfhearainn, he gave the cows a short run (of grazing) along the headlands. Tabhair ~ den rámhainn dom, lend me the spade for a short while. 4. Slight admixture, dash. Cuir ~ cruithneachta sa bhró, put a handful of wheat into the quern. 5. Ciota, giota, ~ a dhéanamh de rud, to make smithereens of sth.
fogha3 = fotha2.
Thug sé fogha fúm, he made a lunge at me.
Thug sé fogha fúm, he made a rush at me.
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