leamh1, a. (gsm. ~, gsf. & comp. leimhe, npl. ~a). 1. Lit: Soft; weak, impotent. Fear ~, impotent man. ~ i gcomhrac, weak in combat; ineffectual in battle. 2. Tepid; tasteless, insipid. Deoch ~, tepid drink; insipid drink. Blas ~, flat taste. 3. Lifeless, dull, uninteresting. Saol ~, drab existence. Scéal ~, colourless story. Glór ~, toneless voice. Gáire ~, wan smile. Caint ~, tame speech. Bheith ~ de rud, to have lost taste, zest, for sth. Bhraith mé ~ ionam féin, I felt flat, bored, with things. 4, Soft-witted; inane, silly. Bheith ~ le duine, to be soft, foolish, with s.o. Nach ~ atá do cheann ort! How simple-minded you are! Níl mé chomh ~ sin acu, they won’t find me as simple as that.
leamh2, v.t. (vn. ~adh m, gs. & pp. -afa). 1. Lit: Render impotent. 2. Render tasteless.
leamh3, m = leamhán.