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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for poison »
poison1, s. Nimh f. Rank poison, (i) drochnimh f; (ii) nimh cheart. S.a. HATE2 1, MEAT 2.
poison2, v.tr. a Nimhím, tugaim nimh do. Poisoned wound, créacht nimhe. b Truaillím, millim (meon).
To distil poison into s.o.'s mind, aigne duine a thruailliú.
Mil: Asphyxiating gas, poison-gas, gás nimhe.
I hate it like poison, like the plague, tá an ghráin shíoraí agam air, ní lú orm an sioc ná é.
It is not a poison in itself, ní nimh ann féin é.
Poison ivy, eidhneán nimhe.
I hate him like poison, tá gráin shaolta agam air.
One man's meat is another man's poison, leas Mhurchaidh agus aimhleas Mhánais.
Potent poison, nimh f láidir.
Ptomaine poisoning, nimhiú m cothaithe.
Rank poison, deargnimh f.
Saturnine poisoning, luaidhe-nimhiú m.
Septic poisoning, nimhiú seipteach.
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