proof1, s. 1 Cruthú m, cruthúnas m. Positive proof, cruthú dearfa. Cast-iron proof, cruthú doshéanta. To give proof of intelligence, a thabhairt le taispeáint go bhfuil éirim agat. He showed proof of good-will, thaispeáin sé go raibh an dea-mhéin aige. To give proof of one's gratitude to s.o., tabhairt le fios go bhfuil tú buíoch do dhuine. This is a proof that he is lying, sin cruthú na bréige air. In proof of his good faith, de chruthú ar a dhea-mhéin. Capable of proof, inchruthaithe. The onus of proof lies with him, airsean atá a chruthú. 2 a Promhadh m, tástáil f, triail f -ach. To put sth., to bring sth., to the proof, rud a thástáil. It has stood the proof, sheas sé an triail. b Spirit 30% below proof, alcól 30% faoi bhun profa. 3 a Typ: Profa m. Slip proof, profa fada. To pass the proofs, cead clóbhuailte na bprofaí a thabhairt. b Engr: Proof before the letter, before letters, profa m roimh inscríbhinn.
proof2, a. Proof against sth., díonach ar, dúshlánach faoi, rud; beag beann ar rud. Proof against damp, damp-proof, taisdíonach. Bullet-proof, urchardhíonach; (veist) díon piléar. To be proof against danger, against disease, bheith slán ar bhaol, ar aicíd. Proof against temptation, against flattery, gan beann ar chathú, ar chluain.
proof3, v.tr. 1 Typ: Engr: Profaím. 2 Díonaim, déanaim (éadach) uiscedhíonach, tinedhíonach, etc.; neartaím (rud) in aghaidh (aigéid, etc.).
His silence alone is sufficient proof against him, mura mbeadh ann uile ach nach bhfuil focal le baint as, ba leor mar chruthú ina aghaidh é.
Jur: Burden of proof, dualgas cruthúnais.
Cer: Fire-proof dish, mias dhódhíonach.
Judicial proof, deimhniú m dlíthiúil.
Engr: Proof before letters, profa m roimh inscríbhinn.
The onus of proof lies upon, with, them, orthu sin atá a chruthú.
Moisture-proof, taisdíonach, dofhliuchta.
Positive proof, cruthú cinnte.
To pass a proof for press, glacadh le profa don chló.
Proof-reader, ceartaitheoir m profaí.
(Proof-)slip, stiall f (de phrofa).
Splinter-proof house, teach bloghdhíonach.
Splinter-proof glass, gloine dhophléasctha.
Substantial proof, cruthú iomlán.
Susceptible of proof, inchruthaithe.