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Similar words: cairt · scair · scairtí · scart · socairt
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scairt1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). 1. (a) Caul, omentum. (b) Diaphragm, midriff. ~ an chléibh, the midriff. Buille sa ~, body-blow. (c) (pl.) Lungs. Is maith na ~eacha atá aige, he has good lungs, a strong voice. (d) (pl.) Cu: Lights, lungs. (e) Fig: Níl sé de ~ aige, he hasn’t the gumption. Ghoill sé go dtí na ~eacha orm, it hurt me to my innermost being. A mhic na ~e! Good heavens! 2. Sheltering cave or thicket; shelter, covert. S.a. scoil 1(a).
scairt2, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). Shout; call, summons. ~ a ligean, to shout. Lig, rinne, sé ~ orm, he called me. Lig ~ leis, shout at him. ~ gháire, loud laugh, shout of laughter. ~ ar dhochtúir, ar shagart, call for doctor, for priest. Tháinig ~ air, he was summoned. Le ~ an choiligh, at cock-crow.
scairt3, f. (gs. ~e). (In phrase) ~ ascaille, glandular swelling in armpit.
scairt4, v.t. & i. (vn. ~eadh m, gs. & pp. ~e). 1. Shout, call. (a) Ainm, rolla, a ~eadh, to call a name, a roll. (b) Coileach ag ~eadh, a cock crowing. (c) ~ ar, call for, summon. ~eadh ar dhuine, to call s.o. ~ ar chuidiú, call for help. (d) ~ le, call to, hail; shout at. Cé atá ag ~eadh linn? Who is calling to us? Ná bí ag ~eadh liom mar sin, don’t shout at me like that. 2. Burst out. (a) ~ siad amach ag gáire, they burst out laughing. (b) ~ an ghrian, the sun shone out. An solas ag ~eadh sa dorchadas, the light breaking out in the darkness.
Scairt sé ~, he called out.
Glaoigh, scairt, ar, call to, shout at.
Uaill, scairt, a chur asat, to give a howl, a shout.
Scread, scairt, a dhéanamh, to give a scream, a shout.
Scairt sé inár n~, he shouted after us.
Tá na scairteacha ~ as, his insides are burned up.
Bhí sé faoi fhad scairte dúinn, he was within shouting distance of us.
~ chois claí, ~ scairte, ~ ghairid, ghearr, hedge-school.
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