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Similar words: scab · sceab · scrab · scuad · scuan
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scuab1, f. (gs. -aibe, npl. ~a, gpl. ~).1. Besom, broom. 2. Brush. (a)~ bhearrtha, shaving-brush. ~ bhróg, shoe-brush. ~ ghruaige, hair-brush. ~ ingne, nail-brush. ~ mhúcháin, shimléir, flue-, chimney-, brush. ~ sciúrtha, scrubbing-brush. ~ stionsail, stencil-brush. (b)~ sionnaigh, fox’s tail. (c)Painting:~ bhroic, sháible, badger, sable. (d)Bot:~ eich, horse-tail. 3. Sheaf; armful, bundle. ~ lín, sheaf of flax. 4. ~ ghaoithe, sweeping gust of wind.
scuab2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). Sweep. 1. (a)Urlár a ~adh, to sweep a floor. ~ an salachar de, sweep the dirt off it. ~ sí amach an chistin, she swept out the kitchen. ~ suas na grabhróga, sweep up the crumbs. An fharraige a ~adh, to scour the seas. S.a. sciobtha 3. (b)Cards:An clár a ~adh, to sweep the board. Tá mé ~tha, I have been cleaned out, ruined. 2. Rud a ~adh leat, to sweep sth. along. ~ sé leis é, (i) he took it away with him, (ii) F: he lifted it. ~adh chun siúil iad, they were swept away. ~ an ghaoth é, the wind swept it away. ~ an aicíd iad, the disease swept them off. 3. ~adh leat, chun siúil, to sweep, dash, off. ~ siad thart an coirnéal, they swept round the corner.
~ spáide, scuaibe, scine, casúir, tua, handle of spade, of brush, knife, of hammer, of axe.
Scuab mhúcháin, flue-brush.
~ (an) eireabaill, ~ mhongach, ~ (na) scuaibe, comet.
~ scuabtha, spick and span.
An ~ a dhéanamh, to do the sweeping.
~ gaoithe, sweeping gust of wind.
~ talaimh, hedge-hopping.
Níl ann ach ~ in áit na scuaibe, it is only a poor substitute, a makeshift.
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