spíon1, f. (gs. -íne, pl. ~ta). 1. Spine, thorn. 2. Coll: Thorns. Tom spíne, thorn bush. Dealg spíne, thorn prickle. S.a. coróin1 1(a). 3. Thorny shrub or tree. ~ Chríost, Christ’s-thorn. (Var: spíol f)
spíon2, v.t. & i. (vn. ~adh m, gs. ~ta). 1. Tease, comb; pull apart. Olann, líon, a ~adh, to tease wool, flax. Tobac a ~adh, to tease tobacco. 2. Comb, search, ransack. Argóint a ~adh, to examine an argument minutely. Dá ~fá an leabhar ar a lorg, if you were to ransack the book for it. 3. Spend, exhaust. Ithir a ~adh, to exhaust soil. Do shláinte a ~adh, to wear out one’s health. ~ sé a chuid airgid, he spent all his money. Tá mo phócaí ~ta, there is nothing left in my pockets. Tá mé ~ta (amach), I am (completely) exhausted. ~ta as maoin, as comhrá, run out of resources, of conversation. (Var: spíol)