tender1, s. 1 Feighlí m, giolla m. Bar-tender, buachaill m tábhairne. 2 a Nau: Bád m freastail. b Rail: Gualcharr m.
tender2, a. 1 Bog, mín, maoth. Tender meat, feoil bhog. 2 Tender to the touch, goilliúnach, leochaileach (faoin láimh). Horse with a tender mouth, capall béalbhraiteach. Tender heart, croí bog. 3 a (Of plant, etc.) Leochaileach, treolaí. b Óg, úr; tais. Child of tender years, páiste beag óg. 4 (Of pers.) Ceanúil, grámhar. I have a tender recollection of him, cuimhním air le cion. 5 Aireach(of, ar); imníoch(of, faoi). ► tenderly, adv. 1 Go bog, etc. 2 Go muirneach, etc.; le cion.
tender3, s. 1 Com: Tairiscint f -eana. To invite tenders for a piece of work, tairiscintí a lorg ar obair. To make, put in, send in, a tender for sth., tairiscint a chur isteach ar rud. By tender, ar thairiscint. 2 Legal tender, dlíthairiscint f. Legal tender notes, nótaí dlíthairgthe.
tender4, 1 v.tr. a Jur: To tender an oath to s.o., duine a chur faoi mhionn, a mhionnú. b Tairgim (cúnamh, etc.). To tender one's resignation, cead éirí as feidhmeannas a lorg. 2 v.i.Com: To tender for sth., tairiscint a chur isteach ar rud.
Tender care, aire f an linbh, aire f na fola.
The public must tender the exact amount, tugtar an t-airgead cothrom.
Iron: Left to the tender mercies of . . ., fágtha faoi luí na bíse ag . . .
To put s.o. on his oath; to administer, tender, the oath to s.o., duine a mhionnú.
To tender one's resignation, tairiscint éirí as.
Successful tenderer, an té ar glacadh lena thairiscint.