uireasa, f. (gs. ~). Lack, want, absence, deficiency. ~ cothaithe, codlata, nirt, want of feeding, of sleep, of strength. ~ cuimhne, forgetfulness. ~ ruda a thabhairt duit féin, to deprive oneself of something. Ar ~ céille, lacking in sense. D’~ cúnaimh, for want of help. Tá mo dhóthain agam dá ~, I have enough without it. Ní rabhamar riamh dá ~, we were never without it. Déanfar dá ~, it is no great loss. Mura bhfuil míle ann is beag dá ~, if it is not a mile it is little short of it. Tá mo leordhóthain le déanamh agam d’~ a bheith ag caint leatsa, I have plenty to do besides talking to you. Bhíomar uaigneach i d’~, we were lonely in your absence. Níl easpa ná ~ orainn, we want for nothing. (Var: uireasbhaidh f, uireaspa, ~íocht f)