íde, f. (gs. ~). 1. Ill usage; (wretched) state, plight. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, do rud, to maltreat, abuse, s.o., sth. Is olc an ~ a thug sé dó, air, féin, he abused himself badly, left himself in a sorry state. Ba bhocht an ~ a fuair siad, a d’imigh orthu, they were left in a poor plight, came to a sorry end. Féach an ~ atá aige, see how he is being maltreated; look at the sorry state he is in. ~ béil, verbal abuse, revilement. Thug siad ~ na muc is na madraí dom, they gave me ‘dog’s’ abuse, mistreated, reviled, me. 2. (In phrase) ~ gach oilc, the root of all evil. Is é ~ gach oilc é, he, it, is the cause of all the trouble; he is a mischief-maker.