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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: breoigh · baoige · beig- · bogh · boig-
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beoigh, v.t. & i. (pres. -onn, fut. -ofaidh, vn. -ochan, pp. -ite). Animate. Duine, cuideachta, cluiche, a bheochan, to enliven a person, a company, a game. Tine, troid, a bheochan, to start a fire, a fight. ~ (suas) (thú féin), wake up, rouse yourself. Tá an ghaoth ag beochan, tá sé ag beochan chun gaoithe, the wind is freshening, rising. Ag beochan bruíne, stirring up a quarrel.
~ beo, quicksilver, mercury.
~ beo, quicklime.
~ rud beo, anything at all.
(Beo) ar arán, ar a shaothrú, ar an déirc, (living) on bread, on his earnings, on charity.
Níl ~ (beo) ann, there is not a (living) soul there.
~ beo, (i) talk; talkativeness, (ii) the spoken language.
Ní raibh mac, Críostaí, an bhéil bheo ann, there was not a living soul there.
Beo ~, alive and active.
D’íosfaidís beo ~ thú, they would eat you alive.
Breith beo ar dhuine, to catch, reach, s.o. alive.
~ beo ort féin, look alive.
Go mbeirimid beo ar an am seo arís, may we live to see this time next year.
An ~, the living.
Ag guí ar son na m~ agus na marbh, praying for the living and the dead.
Ní raibh ~ ná ceo le feiceáil, there was not a person or thing to be seen.
Le mo bheo, as long as I live, have lived.
~ duine a shábháil, a chur i gcontúirt, to save, endanger, s.o.’s life.
Ligeadh a bheo leis, his life was spared.
D’imigh sé lena bheo orthu, he escaped with his life from them.
Ní bheadh ~ orm gan é, san áit seo, I couldn’t live without it, in this place.
Níl ~ orthu ach ag caint, they can’t stop talking.
Ní ~ liom, ní ~ dom, mo bheo, my life is not worth living.
Más milis leat do bheo, if you value your life.
Is cuma liom ~ nó éag, mo bheo nó mo mharbh, I care not whether I live or die.
Ní fheicfidh tú é lena bheo ná lena mharbh; ní fheicfidh tú a bheo ná a mharbh, you will not see him alive or dead.
Dá mbeadh a bheo chomh díreach lena mharbh, if he were as straight in life as in death.
Tá ~ bocht orthu, they are living in poverty.
An rud a bhfuil do bheo air, what your livelihood depends on.
Chuaigh an dealg, an focal, i m~ ionam, sa bheo agam, the thorn, the statement, pierced me to the quick.
Chogain sé a ingne go dtí an ~, he chewed his nails to the quick.
Tairne sa bheo, a thorn in the flesh.
Chuir sé tairne i m~ sa chapall, sa bheo ag an gcapall, he drove the nail into the horse’s quick.
Duine ~, dúil bheo, living person, creature.
Nuair a bhí sé ~, when he was alive.
Má bhím ~; más ~ dom, if I live.
Fad is ~ mé, dom, while I live.
Tá sé ~ slán, he is alive and well.
Níl a fhios agam an ~ nó marbh dó, I don’t know whether he is alive or dead.
Níl a fhios agam ~ ná baiste, beirthe ná ~, I haven’t a notion.
Ní fhaca mé ~ ná baiste é, I didn’t see a sign of him.
Slán ~ leis (cibé áit a bhfuil sé), God keep him (wherever he is).
Níl aon fhear ~ (inniu) a dhéanfadh é, there is no man alive (today) who could do it.
Ní ~ dó gan a bheith ag caint, he can’t stop talking.
Ní ~ duit nó is tú a rinne é, as sure as you are alive you did it.
Gach uile lá ~, every day that dawns.
Gnás atá ~ go fóill, a custom that still survives.
Tá an áit ~ leo, the place is swarming with them.
Bheith ~ ar arán, ar obair, to live on bread, by work.
Tá siad ~ (go) bocht, they are living in poverty.
Aibhleog bheo, live coal.
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