cleith1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. Wattle; upright rod, stake (in wattling). Imeacht idir ~ agus ursain (ar dhuine), to have a narrow escape (from s.o.). Laistigh de chleitheanna an tí, within the confines of the house. 2. Pole. ~ sháite, punt-pole. ~ pubaill, tent pole. ~ iascaigh, fishing rod. 3. (Of thatched roof) Horizontal beam, purlin. ~ mhullaigh, ridge-pole. Níor fágadh ~ ná sop ar an teach, the roof was stripped completely off the house. An chleith a sheasamh, to keep a grip on one’s homestead. 4. Cudgel. ~ ailpín, knobstick. ~ de bhata, long heavy stick. 5. Nau: Yard. ~ uachtair, gaff (of sail). Seol ~e, gaff-sail. 6. Physiol: Yard. 7. ~ (fir), tall lean man. 8. (In phrase) Bheith i g~ le duine, to be dependent on s.o.
cleith2, f. (gs. ~e). 1. Lit: Concealment. 2 = ceilt.