snámh1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of snámh2. 2. Swimming, swim. (a) ~ a bheith agat, to be able to swim. Dul sa ~, ar (an) ~, to start swimming, to take to the water. Tá ~ an éisc aige, he swims like a fish. ~ na cloiche bró atá agam, I swim like a (mill)stone. ~ an duine mhairbh a dhéanamh, to float on one’s back. ~ toinne, surf-bathing. ~ géillín, ~ smigín, swimming exercise with head supported above water. Áit, buille, ~a, swimming-place, -stroke. (b) Swimming-stroke. ~ brollaigh, ~ uchta, breast-stroke. ~ droma, backstroke. ~ féileacáin, butterfly-stroke. ~ madra, dog-paddle. ~ taoibh, sidestroke. ~ truidin, trudgen-stroke. (c) Bheith ar ~ le hallas, le deora, to be swimming with perspiration, with tears. 3. (a) Nau: Floating, flotation. Long a chur ar ~, to float a ship. Tá an bád ar ~, the boat is afloat. ~ ar ancaire, riding at anchor. (b)Nau: Draught. Cad é an ~ atá ag an long? What water does the ship draw? Tá fiche troigh de shnámh aici, she has a twenty-foot draught. 4. Creep, crawl. Dearc an ~ atá leis, see how he creeps along. Tá an áit ar ~ leo, the place is crawling with them. 5. Swimming-place; deep pool (in river); deep water, sea. ~ abhann, swimming-place, fish-pool, in river. Amuigh ar an ~, out in deep water. Ná tit sa ~, don’t fall into the deep.
snámh2, v.t. & i. (pp. -áfa). 1. Swim. (a) An abhainn a shnámh, to swim the river. ~ amach san fharraige, to swim out to sea. ~ ar do dhroim, ar do thaobh, to swim on one’s back, on one’s side. ~ i do sheasamh, to tread water. ~ idir dhá uisce, to swim beneath the surface of the water. ~ in aghaidh easa, srutha, to swim against the current, to strive against heavy odds. (b) Bhí na tithe ag ~ le huisce, the houses were swimming with water. (c)Shnámh mo radharc orm, everything swam before my eyes. 2. (a)Nau: Float. Nuair a shnámh an bád, when the boat floated (on rising tide). Ní shnámhfaidh sí an oitir, she will not negotiate the sandbank. (b) Ag ~ ar an aer, le gaoth, floating through the air, down the wind. 3. Creep, crawl; glide (like worm, snake). Eascann ag ~ ar an talamh, an eel slithering along the ground. Bhí sé ag ~ ar a bholg, he was crawling on his stomach. Bhí an bás ag ~ ar a chraiceann, there was a deathly pallor creeping over his skin. Shnámh sé aníos chugainn, he sneaked up to us. Shnámh siad isteach chun an chruinnithe, they wormed their way into the meeting. Ag ~ thart, crawling, loitering, about. Tá sé ag ~ leis síos an bóthar, he is dawdling along down the road.
Tá snámh aige, he can swim.
iomartha, snámha, rowing, swimming, stroke.
Ag ~adh iomána, snámha, practising hurling, swimming.
Snámh i g~ an tsrutha, to swim against the current.
Rud a choinneáil te, i gcóir, ar snámh, to keep sth. warm, in order, afloat.
~ ar ancaire, ar téad, ar snámh, anchoring, tethering, floating.
Ceannach, díol, snámh, ól, feadaíl, a dhéanamh, to buy, sell, swim, drink, whistle.
~ oibre, imeartha, snámha, working, playing, swimming, facilities.
Ag snámh ar an ~, swimming in deep water.
Snámh ar an ~, to swim in deep water.
~ grábhála, snámha, tirim, graving, floating, dry, dock.
Ag ~ léitheoireachta, snámha, learning to read, to swim.
Ag ~áil ar snámh ar an abhainn, going afloat on the river.
~ snámha, swim bladder (of fish).
~ ar snámh, floating stage.
Peil, snámh, cleasa lúith, a mhúineadh, to teach football, swimming, athletics.
Snámh iar ~, to swim on a full stomach.
Snámh truidin, trudgen stroke.