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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: sonraigh · coraigh · ócraigh · scoraigh · scraig
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socraigh, v.t. & i. Settle. 1. Calm, quiet, still. Tá an aimsir ag socrú, the weather is becoming settled. Shocraigh an oíche, the night grew still. Nuair a shocraigh an stoirm, when the storm abated. Fan go socraí an gleo, wait till the noise dies down. Shocraigh sé nuair a chuir sé an racht sin de, he calmed down when he got over that fit. 2. Be, put, at ease, at rest. Shocraigh sé é féin sa chathaoir, he settled himself in the chair. ~ thú féin síos ansin, settle yourself down there. Tá siad ag socrú chun suain, they are settling down to sleep. 3. Make, become, peaceful. Is doiligh an tír a shocrú faoi láthair, it is hard to bring settled conditions to the country at present. 4. Become established. Shocraigh siad síos sa chathair ina dhiaidh sin, they settled down in the city after that. 5. Sink gradually, subside. Lig don bhia socrú ar do ghoile, let the food settle on your stomach. Fan go socraí an mhoirt sa ghloine, wait till the lees settle in the glass. 6. Level, adjust. ~ an chré thart ar na plandaí, settle the clay around the plants. Shocraigh sí an adhairt faoina ceann, she settled the pillow under her head. 7. Make steady. ~ cosa an bhoird, steady the legs of the table. 8. Agree upon, arrange, decide. Cás a shocrú, to settle a case. Argóint, achrann, ceist, a shocrú, to settle an argument, a dispute, a question. Lá a shocrú, to fix a date. Cleamhnas a shocrú, to arrange a marriage. Luach a shocrú, to agree on a price. Iasacht a shocrú, to arrange a loan. Socraígí eadraibh féin é, settle it among yourselves. Ba cheart duit do ghnóthaí a shocrú níos fearr ná sin, you should arrange your affairs better than that. 9. Balance, pay. Cuntas, fiacha, a shocrú, to settle an account, debts. 10. Resolve, determine (ar, upon). Socrú ar rud a dhéanamh, to decide to do sth. Tá m’intinn socraithe air, my mind is made up to it. 11. Bestow legally (ar, on). Feirm, blianacht, a shocrú ar dhuine, to settle a farm, an annuity, on s.o. 12. Deal effectively with; lay low, kill. Socróidh mise leis mura raibh múineadh air, I’ll deal with him if he doesn’t have manners. Shocraigh an buille sin é, that blow settled him. 13. Fix.
~ (féaraigh) a shocrú ar shliabh, to allocate grazing rights on a mountain.
Rud a shocrú ar chlár na himeartha, ar cheann cláir, to settle sth. at the gaming-table, on the spot.
~faidh mé chun socraithe leis, I will discuss an agreement with him.
~ ag éirí, ag séideadh, ag socrú, ag síothlú, a wind rising, blowing, settling, dying down.
Níl socrú póiríní ~, arranging of jackstones is not allowed.
Margadh, conradh, socrú, a dhéanamh le duine, to make a bargain, a contract, a settlement, with s.o.
Nuair a ~ an lá a bhí socraithe, when the appointed day came.
~ gaoithe, gleo, abatement of wind, of noise.
~ créafóige, dríodair, settlement of clay, of sediment.
~ brait, adhairte, adjustment of covering, of pillow.
~ cloig, setting of clock.
~ ceiste, easaontais, settlement of question, of disagreement.
~ dáta, coinne, arrangement of date, of tryst.
~ billí, riaráistí, settlement of bills, of arrears.
~ cánach, assessment of tax.
~ oidhreachta, settlement of inheritance.
~ gnóthaí, arrangement of affairs.
~ a dhéanamh le duine faoi rud, to reach an agreement with s.o. about sth.
Teacht ar shocrú, to reach a settlement.
Teacht chun socraithe le duine, to come to an agreement with s.o.
Ba mhaith liom dul chun socraithe leo, I would like to treat with them.
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