splash1, s. 1 Lapadaíl f, slaparnach f, plobarnach f (na dtonn). He fell into the water with a splash, thit sé san uisce de phleist. F: To make a splash, callán a thógáil; iomrá a tharraingt ort féin. 2 a Scuaid f (láibe). b Ball m (datha); léas m (solais), c Steallóg f (uisce).
splash2 . 1 a Steallaim (uisce) ar (dhuine). b To splash water about, steallóga uisce a thógáil. To splash money about, airgead a shluaisteáil. 2 v.i. a (Of liquid) Steallann. To splash up, scairdeann aníos. b Tógaim steallóga. To splash into the water, dul de phleist san uisce. To splash about in the water, bheith ag lapadáil, ag iomlasc, san uisce.