teagasc1, m. (gs. -aisc, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of teagasc2. 2. Teaching, instruction. ~ ábhair, the teaching of a subject. ~ béil, oral instruction; oral tradition. Cúrsa teagaisc, course of instruction; tutorial. Lucht teagaisc, teachers, instructors. 3. Body of teaching; doctrine, precept. ~ na hEaglaise, the teaching of the Church. An T~ Críostaí, Christian doctrine; catechism. ~ scéil, moral of story. An ~ a fuair mé i dtús mo shaoil, what I was taught to do in early life. 4. Lit: Magic formula, incantation. Briochta agus ~a, spells and incantations.
teagasc2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). Teach, instruct. Rud a theagasc do dhuine, to teach s.o. sth. An Soiscéal a theagasc, to preach the Gospel. Jur: Comhairleoir a theagasc, to instruct counsel.
~ ar obair tí, ar theagasc, inexperienced at house-work, at teaching.
Easaontú le teagasc, to dissent from a doctrine.
~ faisnéise, nuachta, teagaisc, documentary, news, educational, film.
~ a theagasc do dhuine, to teach s.o. to write.
An ~ a theagasc, to preach the gospel.
Ag teagasc sa T~, teaching in the Temple.