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Similar words: éadromú · éatrom · drom · éadroime · éadromán
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éadrom2, a1. Light. 1. Of little weight. Ualach ~, light load. Culaith ~, light suit. Duine ~, light, slightly-built, person. Chomh h~ le cleite, as light as a feather. 2. Of small specific gravity. Adhmad ~, light wood. Miotal ~, light metal. 3. Of light texture. Cré ~, light clay. Meascán ~, light mixture. 4. Of light movement. Coiscéim ~, light step. Bheith ~ ar do chos, to be light on one’s feet. 5. Of little force or intensity. Buille ~, light blow. Cith ~, light shower. 6. Not deep. Anáil ~, light, shallow, breathing. Codladh ~, light sleep. 7. Easily done. Obair ~, light work. 8. Easily borne. Costas ~, light expense. Pionós ~, light penalty. Tinneas ~, slight illness. 9. Easily digested. Bia ~, light food. Deoch ~, light drink. 10. Weak. Tae ~, weak tea. 11. Thin, sparse. Barr ~, light, sparse, crop. Gruaig ~, light hair. 12. Entertaining, frivolous, trivial. Léitheoireacht ~, light reading. Caint ~, light, frivolous, talk. Ábhar ~, light, trivial, matter. Bheith ~ sa léann, to have insufficient learning. 13. Free from care. Croí ~, light heart. 14. Light-headed. Bheith ~ sa cheann, to be light-headed, giddy, dizzy; to be a bit ‘touched’, crazy. 15. (As adv.) ~ glas, ~ gorm, light green, light blue.
Tá sé trom, éadrom, ar a choiscéim, he is heavy, light, of step.
Bhí ~ éadrom aige, leis, he walked lightly.
~ trom, éadrom, heavy, light, heart.
Chomh héadrom, chomh héasca, le ~, ‘as light as a sparrow’, light of foot, of heart.
Éadrom sa cheann, light-headed.
Trom, éadrom, le hiompar, heavy, light, to carry.
~ éadrom, trom, light, heavy, cavalry.
~ throm, éadrom, heavy, light, work.
~ éadrom, méith, light, rich, soil.
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