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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for communicate »
communicate. 1 v.tr. To communicate (sth. to sth., to s.o.), (teas, etc.) a chur i (rud, nduine); (galar, etc.) a thabhairt do (dhuine). To communicate news (to s.o.), nuacht a thabhairt, a insint do (dhuine). To communicate your opinions to s.o., do bharúla a riaradh ar dhuine. 2 v.i. a To communicate with s.o., scéala a chur chuig duine. They communicated by letter, scríobhadar chuig a chéile. b Rooms that communicate with one another, seomraí a bhfuil bealach eatarthu. 3 Ecc: a v.tr. Tugaim Comaoineach do (dhuine). b v.i. Glacaim Comaoineach.
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