coscairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of coscair1. 2. Cutting up; mangling, slaughter. 3. Breaking up, disintegration. S.a. néal1. 4. Defeat, overthrow. 5. Thaw. Tá ~ ann, a thaw has set in. Tháinig an choscairt ar an leac oighir, the ice began to break up, to thaw. Gaoth choscartha, thawing wind. 6. Overthrow, defeat; struggle. Is againn a bhí an choscairt, (of fighting, argument) we had a great battle. 7. Physical distress, shock. An choscairt a fuair sé ó na buillí, the shock he suffered as a result of the blows.
Ag ~t na gcorp, mangling the bodies.
Na madraí ag ~t an chonablaigh, the dogs tearing the carcase.
An lao a choscairt agus a bheiriú, to cut up and cook the calf.
B’éigean a ordóg a choscairt leis an duán a bhaint aisti, his thumb had to be cut open to remove the hook from it.
Go raibh a gcnámha coscartha san uaigh, until their bones had disintegrated in the grave.
Tá an féar coscartha ag an aimsir, the hay has been broken up by the weather.
Tá a ndinnéar coscartha go maith acu faoi seo, they have their dinner well digested by now.
An namhaid a choscairt, to overthrow the enemy.
Tá sé ag ~t, a thaw has set in.
Bhí an ghaoth aniar aneas ag ~t an tsneachta, the south-west wind was thawing the snow.
~ coscartha, dissolving cloud, heavy rain-cloud.
Tá ~ coscartha os a chionn, he looks deeply depressed; he has a very sullen appearance.