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cosc could be a grammatical form of: coisc »
cosc1, m. (gs. as s. coisc, as vn. coiscthe). 1. vn. of coisc1. 2. Check, restraint; prevention, prohibition. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to check, restrain, s.o. ~ a chur le rud, to put a stop to sth. ~ ar ólachán, prohibition against drinking. ~ ar leabhair, ban on books. ~ tine, cruála, troda, prevention of fire, of cruelty, of fighting. ~ tarta, slaking of thirst. Gan chosc, unchecked, unrestrained. Gan chosc gan cheangal, without let or hindrance. (Var:~adh m)
cosc2 = coisc1.
Gan a bhorradh a chosc, without preventing its expansion.
Ár gclaonta a chosc, to curb our (evil) inclinations.
Buille a chosc, to stop a blow.
Tuile a chosc, to stem, contain, a flood.
Fuil a chosc, to staunch blood.
Tine a chosc, to prevent a fire from spreading.
An ghrian a chosc, to keep out the sun.
Comhrá a chosc, to stop, prohibit, a conversation.
Siúl a chosc, to stop, obstruct, travel.
Scéal a chosc, to suppress a story.
Fearg a chosc, to restrain anger.
Ocras, tart, a chosc, to allay hunger, thirst.
Na deora a chosc, to keep back tears.
Gamhain a chosc, to wean a calf.
Rud a chosc ar dhuine, to debar s.o. from sth.
Duine a chosc ar rud a dhéanamh, to prevent s.o. from doing sth.
Tá sé ~the orm, I am forbidden to do it.
Bac, cosc, a chur le rud, to prevent, check, sth.
Ní bhfaighinn de mhisneach iad a chosc, I couldn’t find enough courage to prevent them.
D’~ a chosc, to quench one’s thirst.
Níor cuireadh cosc ná ~ orm, no one interfered with me in the least.
Ná ~ mo chosc, don’t try to stop me.
Cuir cosc lena theanga, stop him from talking.
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