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fat, ~a1 : futa.
Ag dul i m~, growing fat, corpulent.
~ bó, fat cow.
Duine ~ ramhar, fat and flabby person.
~ stoca, fat indolent person.
Tá an ~ doirte, the fat is in the fire.
~ saille, layer of fat.
A ghiolla an chinn mhóir! You fat-head!
Tá sé (ag imeacht) ina chéis, he is (getting) very fat, bloated.
6. ~ fionn, gristly outer fat of steak.
~ óg, seasc, ramhar, young, dry, fat, cattle.
~ bhán, fat meat.
Titim i bh~, chun feola, to grow fat, flabby.
~ ósta, (i) guest at inn, (ii) fat lazy woman.
~ chaorach, mutton fat.
Tá barraíocht ~e air, he is too fat;
~ róin, fine fat seal.
6. Tá ~í feola air, he is extremely fleshy, fat.
~ biata, fatted calf.
Geir leáite, melted fat.
Tá an ~ marbh! The fat is in the fire.
Chomh ramhar le ~, as fat as an ox.
~a feola, geire, rolls of flesh, of fat.
~ agus trua, fat and lean.
~ na tíre, na talún, the fat of the land.
Feoil mhéith, fat meat.
Muc mhéith, fat pig.
Duine ~, fat, corpulent, person.
Bó mhurtaill, fat cow.
Dul i ~, chun ~, to get fat;
1. Duine, ainmhí, éan, ~, fat person, animal, bird.
Pluca ramhra, fat cheeks.
Chomh ~ le rón, as fat as a seal.
Talamh ramhraithe, fat, grazing, land.
~ mhairt, mhuice, beef-, pork-, fat.
~ bhlonaige, gheire, coating of fat.
Ní hionann agus a dtailte méithesean, not like their fat lands.
Uan ~, fat lamb.
~ linbh, plump, fat, child.
~ gasúir, fat, round-faced, boy.
Tá an ~ séidte, the fat is in the fire.
Tá sé ag spré ar an saol, he is getting extremely fat.
Shuigh siad ar na tailte méithe, they settled on the fat lands.
~e méithe, globules of fat in soup.
Tá an ~ ar an sop, sa bharrach, the fat is in the fire.
Ag ~im chun feola, chun meáchain, growing fat, putting on weight.
~ olla, wool-fat, lanolin.
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