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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for fee »
fee1, s. 1 Hist: Jur: Feo m. 2 Táille f (dochtúra). School fees, táillí scoile. Examination fee, táille scrúdaithe. Post: Registration fee, táille cláraithe. S.a. ENTRANCE-FEE.
fee2, v.tr. Íocaim táille le (duine). To fee a lawyer, dlíodóir a fhostú (ar tháille).
How much is the entrance-fee? cé mhéad atá ar an doras?
To give the horse a feed, rud le n-ithe a thabhairt don chapall.
F: Out at feed, ag iníor.
He is off his feed, níl aon dúil ina bhéile aige.
Feed of oats, slám m coirce.
To have a good feed, sáibhirne mhaith, foracún maith, a ithe.
To feed s.o. on, with, sth., duine a chothú le rud.
Mec.E: To feed the tool to the work, an uirlis a chur chun oibre.
Fb: To feed the forwards, soláthar do na tosaithe.
Th: To feed an actor, leidí a choinneáil le haisteoir.
To feed out of s.o.'s hand, ithe as láimh duine.
(Property held in) fee-simple, (gabháltas) bithdhílse f.
Aut: Gravity feed, cothú m imtharraingthe.
Retaining fee, táille m áirithíochta.
That will be sufficient to feed him, is leor sin lena chothú.
Fb: Transfer fee, airgead aistrithe.
Aut: Vacuum(-feed) tank, umar m folúschothaithe.
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