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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for floor »
floor1, s. 1 a Urlár m. Flagged floor, urlár m leice. To throw sth. on the floor, rud a chaitheamh ar an talamh, ar an urlár. P: To mop, wipe, the floor with s.o., madra draoibe a dhéanamh de dhuine. b N.Arch: Síleáil f (loinge). Floor-frame, -timber, sraith f urláir; pl. cláir mpl urláir. c Grinneall m, íochtar m (na farraige); urlár m, clár m (droichid), tollbhealach m (mianaigh). d Urlár m (na cúirte). I have the floor, liomsa cead cainte. To take the floor, cromadh ar labhairt. 2 Stór m, urlár m (tí). Ground-floor, urlár m na talún. On the ground floor, ar chothrom na talún. House on two floors, teach dhá stór. To live on the second floor, cónaí a dhéanamh ar (i) an dara hurlár; (ii) U.S: an gcéad urlár. We live on the same floor, táimid in ár gcónaí ar an aon urlár amháin. 3 Urlár m (buailte).
floor2, v.tr. 1 Const: Cuirim urlár isteach, síos, i (dteach); leagaim urlár i. 2 a Leagaim, treascraím (duine); tugaim na ceithre croibh in airde ar. b F: Cuirim (duine) ina thost, ina éisteacht; cabálaim. Sch: Brisim (mac léinn) i scrúdú.
F: The third floor back, an tríú hurlár ar cúl.
He was sitting on the floor, bhí sé ina shuí ar an urlár.
I felt the floor tremble, mhothaíos, d'airíos, an t-urlár ag crith,
He lives on the first floor, (i) tá sé ina chónaí ar an gcéad urlár; (ii) U.S: tá sé ina chónaí ar chothrom na talún.
The sanded floor grits under your feet, bhraithfeá gaineamh an urláir á mheilt faoi do chosa.
On the ground-floor, ar chothrom na talún.
F: To get in on the ground-floor, dul isteach i gcomhlacht ar chomhchéim leis na fundúirí.
Mosaic flooring, urlár m mósáice.
The table occupies half the floor space, tá leath an urláir faoin mbord.
The fire originated under the floor, faoin urlár a thosaigh an tine.
Parquet (floor), (urlár) iontlaise.
Parquet flooring, obair iontlaise.
Floor polish, snasán urláir.
It reaches down to the floor, téann sé chomh fada le, go, hurlár.
Floor rug, ruga m urláir.
The floor was running with water, bhí tuilte uisce ar an urlár.
To scatter the floor with paper, easair a dhéanamh den urlár le píosaí páipéir.
He was scraping his feet on the floor, bhí sé ag tarraingt na gcos ar an urlár.
He slid on the floor and fell, shleamhnaigh sé ar an urlár agus thit sé.
He fell smack on the floor, thit sé ina phleist ar an urlár.
To sprinkle the floor with sand, gaineamh a chroitheadh ar an urlár.
To strew sand over the floor, gaineamh a chroitheadh, a leathadh, ar an urlár.
Floor swimming in blood, urlár báite i bhfuil.
The top floor, an t-urlár uachtarach.
The floor yielded under the weight, thug an t-urlár leis an meáchan.
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