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Similar words: freastail · feasta · festal · freastalaí · freastalán
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freastal could be a grammatical form of: freastail »
freastal, m. (gs. as s. -ail2, as vn. ~ta).1. vn. of freastail1. 2. Attendance, service. ~ a dhéanamh ar obair, ar ghnó, to attend to work, to a business. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to attend upon, wait on, help, s.o. Lucht freastail, attendants, helpers. Ag feitheamh le ~, waiting to be served. ~ scoile, school attendance. Díol do fhreastail a sholáthar, to provide enough for one’s needs. 3. Tá fear a fhreastail againn, we have a man to deal with him.
Freastail ar, attend to, upon; be present at.
~ freastail, waitress.
Do chúram a fhreastal, to attend to one’s duty.
Breith ar an bh~; an fhaill a fhreastal, to seize an opportunity.
~ freastail, friothála, attendant, server.
Do chuid oibre a fhreastal; freastal ar do chuid oibre, to attend to one’s work.
Freastal ar riachtanas, ar chúis, to attend to a requirement, to a case.
Freastal ar cheardaí, to help a tradesman.
Freastal ag bord, to serve at table.
An taoide, an lá maith, a fhreastal, to take advantage of the tide, of the good day.
An dá thrá a fhreastal, to try to do two things at the same time, to serve two masters.
Is doiligh muir is tír a fhreastal, it is hard to cope with all contingencies.
An scoil a fhreastal, to attend school.
Freastal ar léachtaí, to attend lectures.
Freastal ar na sacraimintí, to frequent the sacraments.
Drong nach dóigh a fhreastal, a body that is not easy to deal with.
Cath a fhreastal, to join in battle.
Na ~nna a fhreastal, to answer one’s calls, meet one’s engagements.
Ní thig leis an n~ an dá thrá a fhreastal, one cannot be everywhere, attend to everything, at once.
An baile ~ a fhreastal, to attend to the home, the housework.
Freastal ar ~aí, to attend lectures.
~ freastail, imeartha, attendants, players.
Ag iarraidh an dá thrá a fhreastal, trying to do two things at once.
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