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faill1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna).1. Lit: Negligence, omission. ~ a dhéanamh i rud, to neglect sth. Le gníomh nó le ~, by deed or omission. De dhroim ~e, through sheer negligence. 2. Unguarded state. Duine a fháil ar ~, to get s.o. off guard. Fuarthas a fhaill, he was caught unawares. ~ a bhreith ar dhuine, to take s.o. at a disadvantage. Ag faire na ~e ar a chéile, trying to get each other at a disadvantage. S.a. caill11. 3. Chance, opportunity. Breith ar an bh~; an fhaill a fhreastal, to seize an opportunity. An fhaill a ligean thart, to let an opportunity pass. Uair na ~e, the opportune moment. Nuair a tháinig an fhaill, when the opportunity occurred. Dá bhfaighinn ~ na feannóige air, if I got the slightest chance at it. 4. Time, occasion. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine (le rud a dhéanamh), to give s.o. time (to do sth.). Níl ~ suí agam, I haven’t time to sit. Dá mbeadh ~ agam mo chomhrá a dhéanamh, if I had time to have a chat. Tá an fhaill agus an acmhainn aige, he has the time and the wherewithal. 5. Cessation, easement. Ní théann ~ ar mo thuirse, my weariness never wears off.
faill2 = aill.
Nuair a thagann an chaill tagann an fhaill, misfortunes never come singly.
An fhaill a choimhéad, to watch for an opportunity.
Faill a fháil le rud a dhéanamh, to find time to do sth.
Ag ~e na faille, waiting for an opportunity.
Bhíomar ag ~acht le faill orthu, we were waiting to get a chance at them.
Ná ~ an fhaill uait, don’t let the chance go by.
Cairde, faill íocaíochta, a thabhairt, to give credit, time to pay.
Níor thapaigh tú an fhaill, you weren’t quick enough to take your chance.
Níor tugadh faill dó ~ na haithrí a dhéanamh, he wasn’t given time to commend his soul to God.
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