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Similar words: cóiméad · coimhéadaí · cóimhéid · comhad · coimeád
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coimhéad1, m. (gs. ~ta). 1. vn. of coimhéad2. 2. Watch, guard. ~ a chur ar rud, to put a watch, a guard, on sth. ~ eallaigh, curaíochta, cattle-, tillage-, watching. Is air atá ~ na gcuanta, his job is to watch the harbours. Bí ar do choimhéad (ar), be on your guard (against). Chuir tú thar mo choimhéad mé, you put me off my guard. Prov: Den imirt an ~, forewarned is forearmed. 3. Watching, observation. (Var: coimheád)
coimhéad2, v.t. & i. 1. Watch over, guard. Tú féin a choimhéad (ar), to watch, guard, oneself (against). An leanbh a choimhéad ar an tine, to guard the child from the fire. An barr a choimhéad ar na caoirigh, to keep the sheep away from the crops. 2. Attend to, mind. Do ghnó a choimhéad, to mind one’s business. An teach, an áit, a choimhéad, to look after the house, the place. 3. Look out for. An fhaill a choimhéad, to watch for an opportunity. An chontúirt a choimhéad, to beware of danger. 4. Follow observantly, keep under observation. An cluiche, an imirt, a choimhéad, to watch the game, the play. Bhí na gardaí á g~, the guards were watching them. 5. (With ar) Look (at). Tá siad ag ~ orainn, they are watching, looking at, us. (Var: coimheád)
Duine a chur thar a choimhéad, to put s.o. off his guard.
D’fhág sé ~ ag coimhéad na críche, he left a party to hold the territory.
Coimhéad gnáith, constant watch.
Den ~ an coimhéad, forewarned is forearmed.
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