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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for power »
power, s. 1 Cumhacht f -a, cumas m. I will do all in my power, déanfaidh mé a bhfuil ar mo chumas. As far as lies within my power, ar feadh mo chumais. To the utmost of my power, ar mo mhíle dícheall. It is beyond my power to save him, níl sé i mo cheann finne é a shábháil. 2 Acmhainn f, cumas m. Mental power, intleacht f, éirim f aigne. His powers are failing, tá an mheabhair ag meath aige. 3 Neart m, brí f. F: More power to your elbow! nár lagaí Dia thú! 4 a Éifeacht f, cumas m (meaisín). Attractive power, cumas tarraingthe. Magnifying power, éifeacht mhéadaithe. Mec: Power-to-weight ratio, cumhacht de réir aonad maise. S.a. HORSEPOWER. b Cumhacht f, tuismeadh m feidhme. Motive power, cumhacht f gluaiste. Power unit, aonad m cumhachta. Generation of power, giniúint f cumhachta. Power house, power station, stáisiún m giniúna. Power consumption, ídiú m cumhachta. Nau: To work the engines at half power, na hinnill a oibriú ar leathchumhacht. c Power has revolutionised modern industry, tá athrú réabhlóideach ar thionscail an lae inniu ag na hinnill. 5 a Cumhacht f, réim f, údarás m. Assumption of power, gabháil chumhachta. Spain was then at the height of her power, bhí an Spáinn an t-am sin i mbuaic a réime. Absolute power, lánchumhacht. Executive power, cumhacht fheidhmitheach. To have s.o. in one's power, duine a bheith faoi bhois an chait agat. To fall into s.o.'s power, teacht faoi smacht duine. To come into power, teacht i réim, i gcumhacht. Power of life and death, cumhacht ar bhás agus ar bheatha. b To act with full powers, gníomhú le lánúdarás. This lies within his powers, tá údarás aige air seo. To exceed, go beyond, one's powers, d'údarás a shárú. c Jur: Cumhacht f, cairt f. To furnish s.o. with full powers, lánchumhacht a thabhairt do dhuine. S.a. ATTORNEY2 . 6 a The powers that be, na húdaráis atá i réim. The powers of darkness, cumhachta an diabhail. b The great powers, na náisiúin mhóra; na mórchumhachta. 7 P: A power of people, neart m daoine. To make a power of money, lear airgid a dhéanamh. To do a power of work, obair f na gcapall a dhéanamh. 8 Mth: Cumhacht (uimhre). Three to the fourth power, trí i gcumhacht a ceathair. To the nth power, i gcumhacht n. The power of x, easpónant m x.
Absolute power, lánchumhacht f.
Accession to power, teacht i réim.
Agreement between powers, conradh m idir cumhachtaí.
Letter, power, of attorney, cumhacht f aturnae.
The balance of power, cóimheá na cumhachta.
F: To make a bid for power, (i) iarraidh a thabhairt ar cheannas a bhaint amach; (ii) iarraidh a thabhairt ar cheannas stáit a fháil le láimh láidir.
He called into play all his powers, bhain sé leas as a chuid éirime ar fad.
Sixty candle-power lamp, lampa seasca coinneal.
He climbed to power, bhain sé ceannas amach dó féin.
Compulsory powers, cumhachta éigeantacha.
Computed horse-power, each-chumhacht mheasta.
Power of concentration, cumas dianmhachnaimh, cumas m cruinnithe meabhrach.
Mec.E: Effective power, feidhmchumhacht f.
Av: Elevating power, fórsa ardaithe.
To have great powers of endurance, an-teacht aniar go léir a bheith ionat.
Ever-increasing power, cumhacht a bheadh ag síorfhás.
He exceeded his instructions, powers, chuaigh sé thar a chuid orduithe, a chumhachta.
It taxed him to the full extent of his power, chuir sé go dtí a dhícheall é.
I have him in my power, tá sé faoi mo smacht agam.
Heating power, cumhacht f théite.
High-power car, carr mórchumhachta.
High-power glasses, gloiní láidre.
He is invested with judicial powers, tá cumhacht f dlí aige.
Knowledge is power, bíonn fear feasach fuinnmhí.
Large powers, cumhachtaí leathana, fairsinge.
Power lathe, deil innealta.
(Of crane) Lifting power, capacity, cumas m tógála.
To mandate a country to one of the Powers, tír a chur faoi shainordú baill de na Cumhachtaí.
Power per unit of mass, cumhacht in aghaidh aonad maise.
The six mechanic powers, na sé bun-innill.
W.Tel: Cin: Modulated output power, cumhacht mhodhnaithe.
Motive power, cumhacht f thiomána.
The nth power, an n-ú cumhacht.
(Of political party) Out of power, as réim.
That is out of my power, tá sin taobh thall de mo chumas.
Over-powering heat, teas marfach.
Plenary power, lánchumhacht m -a.
High-powered, low-powered, car, carr mórchumhachtach, beagchumhachtach.
To raise s.o. to power, duine a chur i réim.
Power saw, sábh innill.
He lost the power of speech, chaill sé an chaint.
Pol.Ec: Spending power, acmhainn cheannaíochta.
Staying power, fulaingt f, teacht m aniar.
He tasted power, fuair sé blas na cumhachta.
To thirst after power, íota chun cumhachta bheith ort.
El.E: Transmission of power, traiseoladh m cumhachta.
Transmitter of motive power, traiseolaire m cumhacht tiomána.
Whichever party is in power, cibé páirtí atá i réim.
Lack of will-power, laige f tola.
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