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samhail1, f. (gs. -mhla, pl. -mhlacha).1. Likeness, semblance, similitude. ~ a thabhairt do rud, to imagine what sth. is like; to find a simile for sth. Ní thabharfá de shamhail dó ach caor thine, you could compare it to nothing but a fire-ball. Cuir a shamhail air, say what it is like; describe it. Chonaic mé a shamhail, I saw the like of it. Cén t~ de dhuine é? What sort of a person is he? Níl a shamhail le fáil, there is nothing else quite like it. Níor chuala cluas ~ an cheoil sin, ear hath not heard anything to compare with that music. Nó rud den t~ sin, or some such thing. Ní théann ~ i bhfad, comparisons may not be carried too far, are odious. Slán an t~! Slán gach ~! A shamhail i gcloch! God save the mark! 2. Image, effigy, representation, model. ~ de rud a dhéanamh, to reproduce sth. 3. Phantom, spectre. Chonaic mé an t~ sa bhinn, I saw a ghostly figure in the rock. Is í an t~ í! She is such a wraithlike creature!
samhail2 = samhlaigh.
Ná samhail fleá le ~, leavings don’t make a feast.
~ samhail, ~ samhla, the like of.
A shéad samhail ní bhfaighfear, his equal won’t be found.
Tearc i mbeatha a ~ samhla, few in life can compare with them.
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