scáil1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). Shadow. 1. Shade; darkness, obscurity. Faoi ~ na gcrann, under the shadow of the trees. ~ na hoíche, shadows of night. ~ an bháis, the shadow of death. 2. Patch of shade. ~ a chaitheamh, to cast a shadow. Ag déanamh ~e ar an talamh, casting a shadow on the ground. Throidfeadh sé lena ~, (of cantankerous person) he would fight with his shadow. 3. Reflection, image. Do ~ a fheiceáil i scáthán, to see one’s reflection in a mirror. ~ na gcrann san uisce, the reflection of the trees in the water. 4. Brilliant reflection, gleam, tint. ~ na gréine, the reflection of the sun. ~ seaca, sneachta, ice-, snow-, blink. Bhí ~ ina bhróga, his shoes were shining. ~ an róis ina grua, the rose’s hue in her cheek. 5. Shade, ghost. Níl ann ach a ~, he is but a ghost of his former self. Níl inti ach ~ i mbuidéal, she ‘is only a shadow in a bottle,’ is worn to a shadow.
scáil2 : scál1,2.
Scáil a chaitheamh, to throw a shadow.
~ ghréine, scáil, quartz.
Scáil a theilgean, to cast a shadow.