solas1, m. (gs. -ais, pl. soilse). Light. 1. Brightness, illumination. (a) ~ na gréine, na gealaí, na réaltaí, sunlight, moonlight, starlight. ~ coinnle, lampa, tóirse, candle-light, lamplight, torchlight. ~ na tine, the fire-light. ~ leictreachais, electric light. S.a. ré1 1(b), (c). (b) ~ an lae, daylight. Le ~ an lae, by daylight; at dawn. Idir sholas an lae agus na hoíche; idir an dá sholas, at twilight. Tá sé ag dul ó sholas, it is getting dark. (c) ~ a thabhairt do sheomra, to bring light to a room. Is breá an ~ atá agaibh anseo, you have great light here. (d) Tá tú i do sheasamh i mo sholas, sa ~ orm, you are standing in my light. Fan amach as mo sholas, stay out of my light. 2. Light-giving device, lamp. An ~ a lasadh, to put on the light. An ~ a chur as, a mhúchadh, to put out the light. ~ sráide, street-light. ~ comharthaíochta, signalling light. Nau: ~ treorach, navigation light. Av: ~ tuirlingthe, landing light. Soilse cuain, harbour-lights. Soilse tráchta, traffic-lights. An ~ dearg, uaine, ómra, the red, green, amber, light. ~ tosaigh, deiridh, front, rear, light. S.a. long1 1, teach 2(a). 3. Flame. Cuir ~ leis na páipéir, apply a light to the papers. D’iarr sé ~ orm, he asked me for a light. Déanfaidh sé ~, he will flare up. S.a. cipín 1. 4. (a) Enlightenment, insight. ~ na hintinne, intellectual light. ~ an chroí, the inner light. ~ an chreidimh, the light of faith. Thug Dia ~ dóibh, God enlightened them. (b) Revelation, disclosure. Rud a thabhairt chun solais, to bring sth. to light. 5. (a) Light of existence. Le mo sholas, as long as I live. (b) Theol:~ na bhflaitheas, na glóire, the light of heaven, of glory. ~ síoraí, na síoraíochta, eternal light. 6. Vision. ~ na súl, eyesight. 7. (a) Self-interest. Ag amharc ina sholas féin atá sé, he is looking to his own interest. (b) Limelight. Is maith leis an ~ a bheith air, he likes to be in the limelight. 8. Art: Phot: Light.
solas2 = solasmhar.
Ag ~ ina sholas féin, looking to his own advantage.
Ná cuir as an solas orm, don’t put out the light on me.
Cuir as an solas, put out the light.
An tine, an solas, an ghrian, a bhaint de dhuine, to get between s.o. and the fire, the light, the sun.
solais, lasrach, the house is all lit up, aflame.
Solas ~, little, dim, light.
~ solais, flare of light.
Solas ~ gréine, golden sunlight.
Ga solais a chamadh, to refract a ray of light.
Chaoch an solas mé, the light dazzled me.
~a solais, ancient lights.
~ snáthaide, solais, deflexion of needle, of light.
Chlis an solas, the light went.
Solas coinnle, candlelight.
Téann siad ar a gcoinnle faoi sholas na gréine, they glitter in the sunlight.
Brat, solas, lampa, stáisiún, ~a, signal-flag, -light, -lamp, -station.
Foinsí ~a solais, coherent light sources.
~ solais, (i) chandelier, (ii) luminary.
Solas ~, quivering light.
An solas a chur air, to put on the light.
Solas, tine, a chur as, to put out a light, a fire.
~ amach solais, gáis, emission of light, of gas.
~ isteach solais, installation of light.
Bheith ~ ag solas, to be dazzled by light.
~ sholais, glimmer of light.
Solas a dhealú, to disperse light.
Chomh ~ le solas na gréine, as resplendent as the light of the sun.
Solas agus ~ a dhreacha, the light and splendour of his countenance.
Solas, teach, ~e, deck-light, -house.
Solas deiridh, tail-light; stern-light.
~ sholais, lae, glimmer of light, of daylight.
Ga solais a dhíriú ar rud, to focus a ray of light on sth.
Tá an lá ag diúltú dá sholas, the daylight is fading.
Tá sé faoi dhraíocht ag na soilse, he is entranced with the lights.
~ thine, sholais, spark of fire, of light.
~ sholas an lae, in the light of day.
Solas, suaimhneas, na bh~, the light, the peace, of heaven.
~ solais, source of light.
An Claíomh Solais nár fhág riamh ~ buille, the Sword of Light whose stroke never failed.
~ tí solais, beam of lighthouse.
Tá an solas, an tine, ag ~áil as, the light, the fire, is going out.
Tá sé ag ~áil ó sholas, the (day)light is failing, it is growing dusk.
~ solais, pencil of light-rays.