suffer, I v.tr. 1 Fulaingím (pian). He suffered defeat, rugadh bua air. To suffer death, bás a fháil. The damage we suffered, an díobháil a tharla dhúinn. 2 Fulaingím; broicim le, cuirim suas le (duine). He will suffer no retort, ní éistfidh sé le, ní fhoighneoidh sé, freagra ar bith. Suffer me to tell you the truth, lig dom an fhírinne a rá leat. They suffered him to go, he was suffered to go, ligeadh dó imeacht; scaoileadh chun siúil é. II v.i. 1 Táim ag éagaoineadh. He suffers from asthma, tá an múchadh ag cur air. To suffer for your misdeeds, íoc as do mhíghníomhartha. You will suffer for it, íocfaidh tú é. It was I who suffered for it, mise a bhí thíos leis; mise a d'íoc an téiléireacht. 2 It suffers from neglect, tá díobháil aire ag cur air. It suffers from overcrowding, tá de locht air go mbíonn slua rómhór ann. Country suffering from labour troubles, tír atá suaite ag achrann lucht oibre. 3 Caillim. The battalion suffered severely, chaill an cathlán go trom; rinneadh scrios ar an gcathlán. The crops have suffered from the frost, rinne an sioc dochar don bharr.
To suffer an affront (at the hands of s.o.), masla a fháil (ó dhuine).
He still suffers from the effects of the disease, tá fuíoll an ghalair fós air.
To suffer great ills, an-anró, an-chruatan, a fhulaingt.
To suffer, pocket, an insult, luí faoi tharcaisne.
Suffering is our portion here below, an fhulaingt atá i ndán dúinn ar an saol seo.
I had rather suffer than tell a lie, b fhearr liom fulaingt ná bréag a insint.
To suffer from rheumatism, bheith tugtha do dhathacha.
He is suffering from softening of the brain, tá leamhas éigin ar an inchinn aige.
He is suffering from swollen head, from swelled head, tá an t-uabhar gafa in aingeal air; tá sé lán de lán.
Her face tells of suffering, tá an fhulaingt le haithint, le léamh, ar a haghaidh.
Untold suffering, fulaingt dho-inste.