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He is actuated by jealousy, éad atá taobh thiar de.
He is consumed with jealousy, tá sé ite ag an éad.
He envies me as much as I do him, tá an oiread éada aige liom agus atá agamsa leis.
Jealousy has a lot to do with it, éad faoi deara a lán de.
He is envious of her, tá sé in éad léi; tá formad aige léi.
To make s.o. envious, éad a chur ar dhuine.
To be green with envy, bheith ite ag éad.
You are the envy of the town, tá an baile go léir ag éad leat.
You are envied by John, tá Seán in éad leat.
Sectional jealousy, éad idir aicmí.
Sting of jealousy, daigh f éada.
The torments of jealousy, creimeadh m an éada.
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