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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for file »
file1, s. 1 Tls: Líomhán m, oighe chuimilte. Three-cornered file, triangular file, líomhán triantánach. F: To gnaw, bite, a file, gabháil de dhoirne ar iarann fuar; snámh in aghaidh easa. 2 F: He's a sly old file, cleasaí glic é.
file2, v.tr. Líomhaim (miotal, etc.). To file away, off, (píosa miotail) a mheilt le líomhán.
file3, s. 1 Comhad m. Spike file, bior m taiscthe. Concertina file, comhad m pócach. Card-index file, comhad treoirchártaí. 2 Comhad m (páipéar).
file4, v.tr. 1 Comhdaím, taiscim (admhála, duilleoga, etc.). To file a document, cáipéis a chur i gcomhad. 2 Jur: To file a petition, achainí a chomhdú.
file5, s. Líne f, treas m -a, sraoillín m. In single, Indian, file, duine i ndiaidh an duine, in aon líne amháin. To form single file, dul i líne shingil, i dtreas singil.
file6, v.i. To file off, imeacht duine i ndiaidh duine. They filed past the coffin, ghabh siad thar an gcónra ina nduine is ina nduine. They filed in, out, ghabh siad isteach, amach, duine i ndiaidh duine.
Filing-case, comhadchás m.
Filing down, meilt f le líomhán.
Filing-jacket, clúdach comhaid.
The rank and file, na saigdiúirí singil.
The file will not touch it, níl greim ar bith ag an oighe chuimealta air.
Because he composed a few verses of doggerel he thinks he is a poet, síleann sé gur file é cionn is gur chum sé cúpla raiméis gliogair.
(ii) P: A poet in embryo, ábhar m file.
The poet laureate, file m na cúirte.
Adj.phr.The poets of old, filí an tseansaoil.
Flight of oratory, roscadh m file.
Lit:  Purple passage, purple patch, roscadh m file; píosa faoi chulaith ghaisce.
Poets such as O'Sullivan, such poets as O'Sullivan, filí mar an Súilleabhánach, de shaghas an tSúilleabhánaigh.
F: Sucking poet, ábhar file; éigsín m.
A true poet, fíorfhile m, file ceart.
Unappreciated poet, file gan aitheantas.
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