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At the lowest estimate, ar a laghad ar bith.
It is surprising how little, how much, he knows about it, is iontach a laghad, a oiread, atá ar eolas aige ina thaobh.
At least, ar a laghad; ar a bheag.
A hundred pounds at the very least, céad punt ar an gceann caol de, ar a laghad ar bith.
The less you think about it the better, dá laghad machnamh a dhéanfair air is ea is fearr.
A hundred pounds at the very lowest, céad punt ar a laghad ar bith, ar an gcuid is lú de.
To treat s.o., with sublime indifference, gan beann dá laghad a bheith agat ar dhuine.
It is too small, is ar a laghad; tá sé róbheag.
Without in any way wishing to blame you, agus ní ag iarraidh milleán dá laghad a chur ort é.
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