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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for blow off »
blow off. 1 v.tr. a The wind blew his hat off, shíob an ghaoth a hata de; d'fhuadaigh a hata le gaoth. To blow the dust off sth., an deannach a shéideadh de rud. b Mch: To blow off steam, gal a ligean amach, a shéideadh amach. 2 v.i. His hat blew off, d'imigh a hata de leis an ngaoth, d'fhuadaigh a hata.
To blow the dust off a book, an deannach a shéideadh de leabhar.
To fend off a blow, buille a chosc, tú féin a chosaint ar bhuille.
F: Wind fit to blow the horns off an ox, gaoth a shíobfadh na hadharca den eallach.
To ward off a blow, buille a chosc, a chur i leataobh.
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