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To arouse s.o. from lethargy, duine a chroitheadh as a shuan.
To beckon s.o. in, croitheadh isteach ar dhuine.
He made child's-play of it, ní bhfuair sé croitheadh ar bith ina dhéanamh.
Hand-clasp, croitheadh m láimhe.
To clasp s.o.'s hand, lámh a chroitheadh le duine.
It is clearing (up), tá sé ag croitheadh suas, ag gealadh.
Crazy furniture, troscán croite, corrach.
To flap away the flies, an ruaig a chur ar na cuileanna (le bheith ag croitheadh orthu).
(Of bird) To flutter its wings, a sciatháin a chroitheadh, a bhualadh; cleitearnach a dhéanamh lena sciatháin.
(Of dog, etc.) To frisk its tail, croitheadh a bhaint as a eireaball
The train jolted terribly, bhí gach aon chroitheadh millteanach á bhaint as an traein.
The wind was moving the trees, bhí an ghaoth ag croitheadh na gcrann.
To rattle the dice, na díslí a chroitheadh.
Ship rocked by the waves, long á croitheadh ag na tonnta.
The explosion rocks the house, croitheann an pléascadh an teach.
The house was rocking, bhí an teach ag croitheadh.
To rouse s.o. from indolence, to rouse s.o. up, duine a chroitheadh as an spadántacht.
To rouse oneself, tú féin a bheochan, a chroitheadh suas.
To give sth. a shake, rud a chroitheadh, croitheadh a bhaint as rud.
A shake of the head, croitheadh cinn.
A shake of the hand, croitheadh láimhe.
To shake the bottle, an buidéal a chroitheadh.
To shake one's head, do cheann a chroitheadh.
To shake s.o. by the hand, to shake hands with s.o., lámh a chroitheadh le duine.
To give sth. a good shaking, croitheadh maith a bhaint as rud; rud a chroitheadh go maith.
Abs.To sow broadcast, síol a chroitheadh, a spré.
To sprinkle the floor with sand, gaineamh a chroitheadh ar an urlár.
To strew sand over the floor, gaineamh a chroitheadh, a leathadh, ar an urlár.
He threw back his shoulders, bhain sé croitheadh siar as na slinneáin.
It was shaken to the foundation, croitheadh ó bhonn é.
Toss of the head, croitheadh m, caitheamh m, cloiginn.
To toss one's head, croitheadh a bhaint as do chloigeann.
He twitches his leg, tá croitheadh ina chois.
(Of dog) With a wag of its tail, agus é ag croitheadh a eireabaill.
To wag one's head, do cheann a chroitheadh.
Waving of the hand, croitheadh m, bagairt f, láimhe.
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