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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for doubt »
doubt1, s. Amhras m. To be in doubt, bheith in amhras, amhrasach. I am a long time in doubt about that, is fada mé ag amhras faoi sin. To cast doubts on sth., amhras a chur i rud. To have one's doubts about, as to, sth., drochamhras a bheith ag duine faoi rud. I have my doubts whether he will come, tá amhras orm nach dtiocfaidh sé. There is no room for doubt, níl aon amhras sa scéal. Beyond (a) doubt, without a doubt, gan amhras dá laghad, gan aon agó. No doubt he will come, níl aon amhras nach dtiocfaidh sé. There seems to be no doubt (but) that. . ., dealraíonn sé nach bhfuil amhras ar bith ná go . . . I haven't the slightest doubt about it, níl lá amhrais orm ina thaobh. There is no doubt about it, níl aon amhras ina thaobh.
doubt2 . 1 v.tr. Táim in amhras. I doubt s.o., s.o.'s word, tá amhras agam ar dhuine, ar fhocal duine. I doubt whether he will come, tá amhras orm an dtiocfaidh sé. I do not doubt that he will come, níl aon amhras orm ná go, nach, dtiocfaidh sé. 2 v.i.He doubted no longer, ní raibh amhras air a thuilleadh, d'imigh an drochamhras de.
It admits of no doubt, níl amhras ar bith ann.
I doubt the advisability of it, tá eagla orm nach rud inmholta é.
Jur: The benefit of the doubt, sochar m an amhrais.
I do not doubt but that he will come, níl amhras ar bith orm nach, ná go, dtiocfaidh sé.
This excludes all possibilities of doubt, ní fhágann seo aon amhras sa scéal.
A doubt still lingered in his mind, d'fhan ábhar beag amhrais fós ina aigne.
Lingering doubt, amhras gan scaipeadh; dríodar amhrais.
No manner of doubt, amhras dá laghad.
It is open to doubt, chuirfeadh duine in amhras é; is cuid amhrais é.
Possessed with doubt, ite ag an amhras.
To preclude all doubt, gan aon amhras a fhágáil sa scéal.
I doubt the propriety of refusing it, ní mé ar chóir a dhiúltú.
That leaves no room for doubt, níl amhras ar bith ann mar sin.
To settle doubts, deireadh a chur le hamhras.
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