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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for glow »
glow1, s. 1 Luisne f, gríos m, caoiríl f, breo m. In a glow, beodhearg. 2 a Physiol: Tonn m teasa. The race had put him all in a glow, bhí griofadach teasa ann i ndiaidh an rása, b Díbhirce f, díograis f. In the first glow of enthusiasm, nuair a baineadh an dúthracht i dtosach. The glow of youth, díograis na hóige. 3 The glow of health, luisne f na sláinte.
glow2, v.i. 1 Breonn, deargann; tá luisne i. The metal is glowing, tá an t-iarann dearg. The fire is glowing, tá an tine ina caor. The lamp is glowing, tá solas croíúil ar an lampa. 2 Lonraíonn. Her face glowed with joy, bhí gríosghrua le gliondar uirthi. His cheeks glowed, bhí lasadh ina aghaidh. 3 To make s.o. glow, an fhuil a théamh i nduine.
The burning houses were a glowing furnace, bhí na tithe ar aon bharr amháin lasrach.
Glowing cheeks, gríosghruanna.
Glowing with health, faoi luisne na sláinte.
To paint sth. in glowing colours, rud a mholadh go cranna na gréine.
To speak in glowing terms of s.o., gan fuíoll molta a fhágáil ar dhuine.
Ruddy glow (of fire), dearglasair f na tine.
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