importance, s. a Tábhacht f, éifeacht f. To be of importance, a bheith tábhachtach, mór le rá. Question of first, capital, importance, scéal mór, scéal an-tábhachtach. Work of no importance, obair gan aird. It is of no great importance, ní fiú bheith ag caint air, ní mór le rá é. He attached the greatest importance to that, ba ríthábhachtach leis é sin. b (Of pers.) Tábhacht f, mórchúis f, mórluachacht f. People of importance, daoine mórluachacha. He was setting up for a person of importance, bhí sé ag cur i gcéill gur dhuine mór é.
It is of capital importance, tá sé ríthábhachtach.
He attached exaggerated importance to it, bhí an iomarca tábhachta aige ann.
He is full of his own importance, tá sé lán de féin, lán de lán.
Truth of infinite importance, fírinne atá thar a bheith tábhachtach.
A matter of the last importance, cúrsa mórthábhachtach.
Something of less value, importance (than. . .), rud is lú luach, tábhacht (ná . . .).
Of paramount importance, os cionn gach ní; fíorthábhachtach.
It is of prime importance, tá sé ríthábhachtach.
To swell with importance, F: to swell like a turkey-cock, bheith i mborr le mórtas; talamh a bheith fút le teann leithid.
F: Swelling with importance, ag borradh le leithead.
To under-estimate the importance of the affair, gan tábhacht an scéil a thuiscint, tábhacht an scéil a mheas faoi bhun an chirt.
It is of the utmost importance that..., tá sé fíorthábhachtach go . . .
Question of vital importance, ceist ríthábhachtach.