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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for knock off », knockoff » and knock-off »
knock off, I v.tr. 1 a To knock the glass off the table, an ghloine a leagan den bhord. To knock the handle off the jug, an chluas a bhaint den chrúiscín. b To knock something off the price, rud éigin a bhaint den phraghas. 2 a Caithim (a hata de dhuine). b Críochnaím (obair); cuirim dlús le (hobair); cumaim d'aon iarraidh (véarsaí, etc.). c To knock off the odd pence, na pinginí corra a bhaint de (bhille). II v.i. Stadaim, scoirim, de (obair).
To knock s.o. off his feet, duine a chur, a bhaint, dá bhoinn.
F: To knock s.o. off his perch, béim síos a thabhairt do dhuine; duine a bhaint dá phrapaireacht.
F: To knock spots off s.o., duine a bhualadh caoch, buachan pic ar dhuine.
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