Datum-line, líne f leibhéil, líne thagra.
Dead level, díreach ar leibhéal.
Rail: Track on the flat, rian ar leibhéal.
Av: To flatten out, teacht ar leibhéal (ar ais), athchothromú m.
Plumb level, leibhéal m pluma; béal m na fírinne.
Mch: Water-level, leibhéal m uisce.
At a higher level, ar leibhéal is airde(than, ná).
Level with . . ., ar aon leibhéal le . . ., ar aonchothrom le . . ., comhard le ...
Low-water mark, (of river) an leibhéal uisce is ísle; (of sea) íochtar m láin.
Flat truck, trucail leibhéalta.