The advocates of free trade, lucht molta na saorthrádála.
(Surpassing) Beyond praise, os cionn molta, thar mholadh.
Cracker-up, fear molta; bolscaire m, gaotaire m.
Eager for praise, cíocrach chun molta.
To speak in glowing terms of s.o., gan fuíoll molta a fhágáil ar dhuine.
F: Pat on the back, focal molta.
To be profuse of praise, gan fuíoll molta a fhágáil ar (dhuine); (duine, rud) a mholadh go rothaí na gréine.
F: Round of applause, dreas m gártha molta.
Shouts of applause, gártha molta.
He was lauded to the skies, níor fágadh fuíoll molta air; moladh go rothaí na gréine é.