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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for nor »
nor', Nau: Nor'east, nor'west =NORTH-EAST, NORTH-WEST.
nor, conj. 1 Negative form of the verb+. Neither you nor I know, níl a fhios agatsa agamsa. Nor I! mise (ach an oiread)! He shall not go nor you either, rachaidh seisean ann tusa ach oiread leis, ach chomh beag. 2 I do not know, nor can I guess, níl a fhios agam agus sin is féidir liom a thomhas. Hes not better than you, nor as good, níl níos fearr thú, níl chomh maith leat. Nor does it seem that . . . agus, , cosúil ach oiread go . . .
F: She has neither chick nor child, gan ua gan iarmhar.
Nor I either, mise ach chomh beag, ach oiread.
He had neither money nor anything else, raibh airgead eile aige.
It is neither fish, flesh nor fowl, níl ina ghruth ina mheadhg.
F: That's neither here nor there, níl baint ar bith aige sin leis an scéal.
Neither you nor I know, níl a fhios agatsa agamsa.
He will neither eat nor drink, íosfaidh agus ólfaidh .
I had neither part nor lot in it, raibh baint páirt agam leis.
He has neither one thing nor another, níl seo siúd aige.
F: He hasn't this nor that, níl seo siúd aige.
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